One of the Housing Authority’s most prominent services provided to our residents include:
The Family Self-Sufficiency Program (FSS). The Authority’s FSS Program is a voluntary initiative for our Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher (HCV), Public Housing Residents, and Multifamily Properties. This program focuses on participants becoming gainfully employed and building wealth to move towards self-sufficiency. In order for program participants to become actively involved an Individualized Training and Service Plan (ITSP) must be completed. The ITSP will identify educational, personal and professional goals. A plan of action is established and an outline of specific activities and services needed to achieve these goals are identified. The Housing Authority of the City of Bessemer provides or may arrange with other agencies to provide any of the following FSS services:
- Educational Instruction
- Job Preparation and Placement
- Home Ownership
- Business Development
- Credit Analysis
- Legal Aid
During a five-year contract, the FSS Coordinator monitors the participant’s progress and assists them in reaching their definitive goal of self-sufficiency. As participants achieve their goals, it is likely their earnings will increase, which causes a fraction of their rental fee to increase. When this occurs, a sum equivalent to the increase is set aside in an escrow account for the participant. When the ITSP is successfully completed, the participant is rewarded by receiving all of the money in the account plus interest.
To qualify for FSS, you must:
- Be a participant in the Section 8 HCV or Public Housing Resident.
- Comply with program rules and regulations
- Desire to make necessary changes
- Sign a five-year contract
- Maintain regular contact with FSS Coordinator
- Make steps towards your goals